About Us

What do we do and where have we come from!

Who is Airdrive ?

Airdrive is run as a independent website airdrive.co.za, it is a cornerstone product of Polygon Technologies and the Creator of "the GSM Commander" www.gsmcommander.com. The Airdrive Server is Locally Hosted in South Africa in one of the Largest Data Centers in South Africa.

What is Airdrive Remote Monitoring ?

Airdrive Remote monitoring is an Value Added Service to the GSM Commander Hardware, Airdrive allows you to view information that is "logged" to the Platform from the GSM Commander Hardware (www.gsmcommander.com). When the GSM Commander is enabled to log to the Server this information is shown on the Web Platform.

What technologies do we use ?

We are proudly Open Source friendly, we promote the use of Open Source Technologies, like PHP, Apache and mySQL.

Web Platform: We use HTML5/CSS3, Jquery and PHP for our Web Platform, the reason why we have chosen this platform is the fact that these technologies are open source and fastly becoming the industry standard. This Platform also provides the best scalability on high volume data.

Server Platform: Java was chosen for the fact that it is a age old tested platform and runs everywhere, Also the fact that it is open Source was a big benefit for our System Strategy. Technologies like the Netty Socket Framework provided a high network scalability therefore it is also a very good platform to use.

Airdrive in History

Browse our Archives, where we came from and where we are going.
Also we will be updating our Timeline with New Product Launches
and updates from time to time.

Our Latest Release of Airdrive we have adopted the latest advance technologies on our socket server that communicates with the
GSM Commander, Also enhanced most features on airdrive to use a standarised look and feel.

New Features includes the Following:
Map View
Entities Management
User Role Permissions
User Management
Events Management
Updated User Interface and Website Tours
The First Real Release using advance technologies. The System is using age old tested technologies like HTML but we moved over to HTML4.0. The User Interface had a complete overall and we started using technologies like JQuery and AJAX, for realtime updates of the dashboard.

New Features:
Realtime Dashboard
Grouping of Devices on Dashboard
User Account Management
Exporting of Events
Exporting of History Logs
This was the First Release of Airdrive, the proof on concept had to be tested, this version of airdrive was using old technologies like HTML2, javascript and PHP as the backend. The User Interface was not the best, but it was good enough at that time.

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