Airdrive Remote Administration

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Entities Management

Our New Entities Management System enables you to manage your Agents, Customers and Sites in a treelike interface.

Devices are now structured to belong to an site, A site belongs to an Customer etc.

User Role Permissions

Our New User Role Permissions allows you to assign user roles to an user, this either giving them an admin role or an standard user role.

Also assigning an User to an Entity, will give them access to only that entity and below.

User Management

Users with the Admin Role can manage users, thus adding, editing a user.

Also assigning of users to an parent entity will only give them access to that entity and below.

Events Management

Events/Messages Generated by Devices are populated in the Events View.

A New option to Update an Event with an Description is now availabile, The User and the Date and Time are also stored.

When the event is fully acknowledged you can Finalise the event.

User Interface

An new Updated User Interface have been implemented.

Minimalistic Navigation
To Maximise the available screen area the navigation are now simple hover icons.

Sub Navigation Options Bar
This Options bar are visible on each page with a Entity Scope and Field Filtering Options.

Website Tours

A New Feature have been implemented to help users with the new User Interface and Features.

When you visit a page you will be taken though a simple tour of the features of the page.

This will be shown each time until you click "do not show again" for that page.

Airdrive Subscriptions

We currently have 3 Airdrive Subscriptions, the Editor, Historian and the Viewer

FREE Credits All devices on the Current Airdrive will receive a Complimentary 6 months worth of FREE Credits at Launch Date May 2016 afterwhich

Each Device receives a Complimentary 1 months worth of FREE Credits when added to the system.

Model Dependency: * Features are Model Dependant for only GC0641 and GC1281 GSM Commander Models.

  • Retail Price: 1 credit = 1 ZAR
  • Viewer

  • 0 credits
    per Device/month
  • Realtime View
  • Retail Price: 1 credit = 1 ZAR
  • Editor

  • 50 credits
    per Device/month
  • All features in Historian
    Remote Setups *
    Remote Control Outputs *

Model Dependency: * Features are Model Dependant for only GC0641 and GC1281 GSM Commander Models.